You may enter the competition for free by complying with the following conditions:
Send your entry by first or second class post to Sensible PC Solutions at the following address:
Sensible PC Solutions
1st Floor Offices, 3 Leeds Terrce
22 High Street
RH7 67AA ​
The Following needs to be included in your entry:
Your full name
Your address
Contact telephone number
Email address
Your answer to the Competition Question
Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified;
you may make multiple free entries for any competition (up to a limit placed on entries by the Sensible PC Solutions) but each free entry must be submitted and posted to the Sensible PC Solutions separately. Bulk entries in one envelope will not be accepted as multiple entries and if a bulk entry is received, it will be counted as one single entry;
by entering the competition, you are confirming that you are eligible to enter and accept these terms and conditions
your entry must be received by Sensible PC Solutions prior to the Closing Date. Entries received after the Closing Date will not be entered into the random draw. Proof of posting does not guarantee that you will be entered into the random draw;
if the number of entries received reaches any cap or limit before your free entry is received, you will not be entered into the random draw.
All postal entries must be received before the close of the competition , Any entries that fail to follow the criteria mentioned above will be void as per any Entry received.
If we believe one person is attempting to enter using multiple names and addresses all associated entries will be voided, as per the paid entry route.